

Four Intercollegiate Records Broken Saturday.

The Intercollegiate Games at New York, Saturday, were a disappointment to Harvard. To those who had followed the work of the various college teams, however, the surprise was that Harvard only made 14 points, not that she only took third place. The quarter mile run, in which a month ago Harvard seemed to be very strong, was most disappointing. Not a single Harvard man reached the finals.

The track was in good condition, fast times were made, and the meeting was one of the best meetings the I. C. A. A. A. A. has ever held. Five intercollegiate records were broken; in the 100 yards and the 220 yards dashes, in the pole vault, the running high jump and the half mile run.

Wefers of Georgetown University was by far the best individual performer. He made the new intercollegiate record in the 100 yards dash and broke all records, both amateur and professional, in the 220 yards dash. This new world's record is 22 1-5 s. His two firsts were the only points won by Georgetown.

Hollister won the half-mile run easily and lowered the former intercollegiate record of 1m. 57 1-5s., made by W. C. Dohm in 1890, by two-fifths of a second. He took the lead at the start and gradually increased it to the finish. Hinckley, of Yale, who was second, finished many yards behind.

Harvard's only other first was taken by Captain Bremer, who won in the low hurdles easily in 25s. The other point winners for Harvard were Mason, second in the running broad jump, distance 21 ft. 8 1-2 in.; Grant, third in the mile run, and Denholm third in the 220 yards dash. Summary:


One hundred yards dash-Second round, first heat, won by H. S. Patterson, W.; second, F. H. Bigelow, H.; third, W. J. Denholm, H.; time, 10 2-5s. Second heat, won by B. J. Wefers, G.; second, J. R. Bowen, Cor.; third, R. Derr, Pr.; time, 10 1-5s. Final heat, won by B. J. Wefers, G.; second, H. S. Patterson, W.; third, J. R. Bowen, Cor.; time, 9 4-5s.

One hundred and twenty yards hurdle race-Second round, first heat, won by E. C. Perkins, Y.; second, S. H. Bijur, C.; time 16s.; second heat, won by J. H. Thompson, Y.; second, G. B. Hatch, Y.; time, 16 1-5s. Final, won by E. C. Perkins, Y.; second, G. B. Hatch, Y.; third, S. H. Bijur, C.; time, 16 1-5s.

Four hundred and forty yards run-Final, won by T. E. Burke, Boston Univ.; second, T. Fisher, Y.; third, J. H. Colfelt, Pr.; time, 50 2-5s.

Throwing 16-pound hammer-Won by C. Chadwick, Y., 132 ft. 6 1-2 in.; second, W. Woodruff, Pa., 130 ft. 6 1-2 in.; third, H. B. Cross, Y., 130 ft.

One mile run-Won by G. O. Jarvis, Pa.; second, G. W. Orton, Pa.; third, D. Grant, H. Time, 4m. 28 4-5s.

Running high jump-Won by J. S. Winsor, Pa., 6 ft. 1 in.; second, C. U. Powell, Cor., 6 ft.; third, Craighead, W. and J., 6 ft. Powell and Craighead tied, and Powell won the jump-off.

Eight hundred and eighty yards run-Won by E. Hollister, H.; second, B. B. Hinckley, Y.; third, A. E. Schaeff, C. Time, 1m. 56 4-5s.

Running jump-Won by L. P. Sheldon, Y., 22 ft. 3 1-4 in.; second, F. Mason, H., 21 ft. 8 1-2 in.; third, C. T. Buchholz, Pa., 21 ft. 7 1-2 in.

One mile walk-Won by F. C. Thrall, Y.; second, W. B. Felterman, Pa.; third, W. Darrach, Y. Time, 6m. 54 2-5s.

Two hundred and twenty yard hurdle race-Second round, first heat, won by J. L. Bremer, H.; second, E. C. Perkins, Y.; time, 25 3-5s. Second heat, won by F. Mason, H.; second, L. P. Sheldon, Y.; time, 26 3-5s. Final, won by J. L. Bremer, H.; second, L. P. Sheldon, Y.; third, E. C. Perkins, Y.; time, 25s.

Putting 16 pound shot-Won by R. Sheldon, Y., 41 ft. 11 1-2 in.; second, W. Woodruff, Pa., 41 ft.; third, A. A. Knipe, Pa., 39 ft. 2 in.

Pole vault-Won by F. W. Allis, Y., 11 ft.; 3 in.; second, W. A. Stewart, Pa., 11 ft.; third, a tie between O. B. Smith, C., and C. T. Van Winkle, Y., 10 ft. 9 in. Smith won the toss for the prize, but the points were divided.

Two hundred and twenty yard run-Second round, first heat, won by B. J. Wefers, G.; second, J. R. Bowen, Cor.; time, 22 1-5s. Second heat, won by H. S. Patterson, W.; second, W. J. Denholm, H.; time, 22 2-5s. Final, won by B. J. Wefers, G.; second, H. S. Patterson, W.; third, W. J. Denholm, H.; time, 21 1-5s.

EVENTS. Catogory1, Catogory2, Catogory3, Catogory4, Catogory5, Catogory6, Catogory7, Catogory8, Catogory9, Catogory10, Catogory11.

Bicycle 2 1/2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1/2

High hurdle 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

100 yd. run 0 0 0 5 0 2 1 0 0 0 0

440 yd. run 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0

Mile run 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mile walk 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Low hurdle 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

880 yard 2 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

220 yard 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

Hammer 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

High jump 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0

Pole vault 51/2 2 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Long jump 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Shot 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Totals, 441/2 221/2 14 10 71/2 4 3 1 1 5 1/2
