
Official Notice.

BOTANY I.- Professor Goodale will give an illustrated lecture on the means of collecting and preserving botanical specimens, on Saturday morning, May 9, at 10 o'clock, in the Nash Lecture Room.

GEOLOGY I.- The excursion to Blue Hill Observatory leaves the Providence station at 12.19 this afternoon for Readville. Any students who care to visit a first-class meteorological observatory are invited to go on this excursion. Trains return from Readville at 3.15, and later hours. In case the trip is postponed on account of storm, notice will be posted on the bulletin board at the Museum at 11 a. m.

R. DE C. WARD.ZOOLOGY 2.- There will be a lecture Monday, May 11, instead of Wednesday, May 13.

G. H. PARKER.72 2t

The reading class will not meet today.


