
Ninety-Eight, 6; E. H. S, 7.

The Ninety-eight nine was defeated in a loosely played practice game yesterday by English High school. Ninety-eight was weakened by the loss of several regular men and, as it was, showed decided lack of practice. The men batted fairly well, but lost through errors. The school team was weak at the bat, but did the better fielding. The score by innings:

1 2 3 4 5 6

Ninety-eight, 1 1 2 2 0 0-6

E. H. S., 0 1 1 3 1 1-7

Batteries: for '98, Daly and Burrage; for E. H. S., Nettleton and Abrams. Hits: '98, 5; E. H. S., 3.

