

Probable Effect on Debating of the Victory, Saturday.- Athletic News.

NEW HAVEN, May 3, 1896.

The prominent event in the last week here was of course the debate with Harvard. Never before has such an interest been shown by the undergraduates in a contest of this kind, and the unexpected victory of Yale added greatly to the enthusiasm. It is felt that the cause of debating has received an impetus, the effects of which will be lasting. The speeches of the Harvard debaters at the banquet after the debate seemed to express the sentiment here exactly, and by their manly tone added greatly to the victory. The alumni throughout the country have received the news of Yale's first winning debate with especial enthusiasm, and many letters of congratulation have been received from them.

The underclasses have been unusually stirred up over the inter-class baseball championship series, the first game of which was played Friday between '98 and '99. The procession of the sophomores with bands and shot guns to the field was the most elaborate for many years. The two classes were so unruly about the diamond, frequently in erupting the playing, that the game had to be called at the end of the fifth inning with the score of 4 to 3 in favor of the freshmen.

Much uneasiness is felt over the recent showing of the nine, and the second defeat by Brown, Saturday, deciding the series, has caused great disappointment. Twombly, '96, who has been laid off temporarily because of an injured foot, and Captain Thorne, of the football eleven, has been taking his place. His work has been good, though he is in need of further practice.

The crew squad is to be reduced today, and the final decision as to the eight and substitutes to go to Henley reached Mr. R. J. Cook '76. John Rogers, captain of the '87, crew, coached the men Saturday, and it is expected to have a good deal of graduate coaching continually till the men sail, June 6.


