
Spring Concert.

The musical clubs gave a very successful concert last night before a large and very enthusiastic audience in Sanders Theatre. The Pierian Sodality, under the leadership of C. P. M. Rumford '97 was better than it has been for some years past, their rendering of the Mascagni Overture, with the cornet solo by H. E. Baumer, L. S., being especially effective. The Glee Club showed the beneficial effect of lessening the number of men on a part, and sang with a good deal of snap. Woodruff's songs were as usual, received with great enthusiasm. The selections of the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs were unusually good, but both clubs would do well to follow the example of the Glee Club and cut down their members. They seem to be a trifle too large to be absolutely sure of themselves at times.

After the concert a dance was held in Memorial Hall, the music being provided by the Chamber Orchestra.
