
Appleton Chapel.

Rev. E. Winchester Donald, of Boston, preached his last sermon as University preacher in Appleton Chapel last evening, choosing as his text John, xii-17: "The people therefore that was with him when he raised Lazarus out of his grave bear record."

Dr. Donald's sermon was an earnest plea for the need of believing in the power of Jesus; that men through such a belief might become living examples that nearness to Christ is nearness to God. The early Christians who were with Christ when he raised Lazarus from the dead saw then that what He taught was true, and thenceforth they were willing to bear record for Him. So today what society needs is men and women who shall follow Christ's teachings, and through their influence and example lead others to follow him.

In conclusion, Dr. Donald said it was because he believed that there was religion at Harvard that he undertook his work as preacher to the University. Having served four years, he wished to testify how wide and deep the religious spirit is. Religion at Harvard will die only when Harvard itself shall cease to be.
