

Harvard is old, successful and up-to-date in her methods; these three characteristics explain her pre-eminence. That is the case with the New York Life among life insurance companies. It was organized in 1845, just as the steady growth of life insurance began in this country; its financial standing on January 1, 1896, was as follows: Assets, $174,791,990.54; liabilities, $150,753,312.65; surplus, $24,038,677.89; and its "Accumulation Policy" is the most liberal policy contract issued by any company The latter statement is no mere rhetorical boast, as may be seen by a comparison of its policy, clause by clause, with others. Note the following:

No restrictions whatever upon the policy-holder, from date of policy. Incontestable for any cause after one year, if the premiums are duly paid. A month's grace in the payment of premiums, during which time the policy remains in force. The privilege of reinstatement during the five months following the month's grace, if the insured is in good health. Non-forfeiting after three years' premiums have been paid, ordinary paid-up insurance being granted on request within six months after default in payment of premium, or the insurance for the full amount of the policy being extended during a period shown therein, if no request is made, and no abatement from the death claim in case of death during the term of extended insurance. The previlege of cash loans at five per cent. interest for amounts shown in the policy, at stated times during the accumulation period (10, 15, or 20 years), after the policy has been five years in force. Six options in settlement, under the Ordinary Life form of policy, and as many as are applicable under other forms, at the end of the accumulation period.

The New York Life's leadership is also shown in its greater promptness, completeness and frankness in report-making. Its annual report for 1895 was published January 11, 1896, and contained a complete schedule of its bonds and stocks, with interest rates and market values. Real estate schedules are also published for distribution to all who ask for them. The report is made after methods understood by the public, upon the basis of business completed and money actually received and disbursed, without the old-time padding and cross-entries.

A word in conclusion as to why college men should insure their lives-perhaps you have thought of it already: They carry their capital under their hats; it will take time to realize on it; meanwhile life insurance covers the death-risk. You will find a copy of the Semi-Centennial History of the New York Life in the Library-if you wish for more information. address,
