

Shaking-up of the Nine-Electioneering for the Societies Restricted.

PRINCETON, N. J., May 26.

The past week has been marked by a disastrous falling off in the work of the baseball team. Last week the University of Virginia defeated Princeton by a score of 10 to 6, and on Saturday the second of the championship games was lost to Yale 7 to 5. Wretched fielding and an inability to bat with men on bases seem to be the chief faults. A thorough shaking up of the team is expected this week, as two hard games are scheduled with Cornell and Harvard respectively.

The annual Princeton-Columbia track athletic games, held at Princeton this year for the first time, resulted in a victory for Princeton by a narrow margin. Columbia excelled in the hurdles and long runs, but Princeton won through superior ability in the sprints and field events.

During the week a treaty has been published, entered into by the five upper classmen clubs, regarding future elections from sophomore classes. The arrangement now restricts the system of electioneering, which, with the growth of the clubs has become a nuisance. The new system will be fair to all alike, will prevent a great amount of useless effort and should result more nearly in securing the best men from each class, as more time will be given for becoming acquainted with them.

At a recent meeting of the University Gymnasium Team, Ralph Derr '97, of Pennsylvania was elected captain for next year. It was decided that an exhibition be given during commencement week in the Brokau Tank consisting of flying, double and balancing trapeze work. There will also be an exhibition of diving and a tub race. Two swimming races one under water and one above will also take place. This exhibition will be made an annual event in order to show to everyone this important facility and its use by the students.


The annual Princeton Interscholastic Tennis Tournament took place here on Saturday. The matches were generally well contested and while the entry list was not large, the tournament was a success. Beggs, of Lawrenceville, won the tournament and will therefore represent the Princeton section of preparatory schools at Newport.

The first number of the Nassau Literary Magazine under the management of the '97 board has just appeared. The number is on the whole a most creditable one and presages a favorable future for the magazine under the present board. In the editorial columns there is a strong plea for better quarters for the literary publications of the college which expresses a confessed need and is very timely.

Another geological expedition from Princeton will visit the West during the summer. The party will go to the southwestern part of the United States and explore sections of Arizona, especially the northern part, including the Canon of the Colorado. There is probably no region in the country which offers more varied or more interesting material for geological investigation than this canon. Explorations will be made also to study the remains of the Cliff-dwellers and the Pueblo Indians in the mountains, which are supposed to be rich in specimens and much valuable information is expected to be obtained here.

