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Though little has recently been published about the student parade, preparations for the event have been going on actively, and in a day or so we will be able to publish full particulars of the line of march and where the students are to assemble. It has been decided that the students are to have the second place in the line, and they will be headed by the College band, which has been rehearsing for the past week or so, and has now acquired a very fair degree of skill.

As many of the Seniors have not yet ordered their caps and gowns, the class will have to give up the idea of wearing them in the parade. It would add greatly to the interest if men in the different classes would make up placards and signs to carry, or appropriate emblems to be carried ahead of the classes. It would also be a good plan to have the classes wear their colors in some way or another. It is too late now to think of caps and gowns, but small buttons made up with the class colors might be obtained for almost nothing of any dry goods dealer, or little flags bearing streamers with these colors might be carried by the students. As it is now too late for the classes to agree upon any thing as a body, the success of the parade will depend in a large measure upon the individual interest and efforts of the students.
