
Meeting of the Overseers.

The Board of Overseers held an adjourned meeting at 50 State street, Boston, yesterday morning, and concurred with the President and Fellows in the following votes:

Electing Theobald Smith, Ph.B., M. D., Professor of Comparative Pathology, to serve from September 1, 1896; electing Charles Herbert Moore, A. M., Professor of Art and Director of the William Hayes Fogg Art Museum, to serve from September 1; appointing Lewis Jerome Johnson, A. B., C. E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, and Comfort Avery Adams, Jr., S. B., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, both for five years from September 1; reappointing Daniel Lawrence Turner, C. E., instructor in Surveying and Hydraulics, from September 1; reappointing the following instructors for one year from September 1: William Vaughan Moses, S. B., in Drawing and Mechanical Designing; Walter Safford Burke in Mechanical Engineering; William Edward McClintock in Highway Engineering; George Staples Rice, S. B., in Sanitary Engineering; Lionel Simeon Marks, M. E., in Mechanical Engineering; reappointing as proctors for one year from September 1 John Henry Boynton A. M., Hollis Webster A. M., Henry Richardson Linville A. M., Albert Emerson Benson A. M., Frederick Clarke Prescott A. B., Albert Morton Lythgoe, A. B., William Joseph Miller, Frederick Chase McLaughlin A. M., Frank Lowell Kennedy A. B., Frederick Orville Grover A. M., Robert Reineck Truitt A. M., Albert Elmer Hancock S. B., A. M.; appointing as proctors for one year from September 1, Pitts Duffield, A. B., John Corbin A. M., Edmund Rubert Otto von Mach A. B., Charles Edward Seaman A. B., John Hall Jones, Walter Bradford Cannon, Harry Augustus Bigelow, Ralph Waldo Cone A. B., Charles Sumner Griffin A. B., William Lloyd Garrison Jr.; appointing Harry White A. M., proctor of Divinity Hall for one year from September 1.
