
Special Notice.

FOR SALE.- Six first-class bicycles at a discount. Address F, CRIMSON office.

65 tf

TUTORING in Greek and Latin, German A, B, and C, French A, 1a, 1b, 1c, and Spanish 1.

W. M. CANNON A. M., 15 Hollis.86 5t

The Crawford Shoe leads in style and has a custom made look about it which other makers try to imitate without succeeding.


TUTORING.- Geology, Zoology, Botany, Chemistry.

P. E. SARGENT, 49 Matthews.84 s tues

TUTORING.- Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish.

M. E. GILL, A. B., '90, 36 Mt. Auburn St.86 4t

STUDENTS can secure transient or permanent board and rooms for themselves, their relatives and friends visiting Cambridge at this time. Terms reasonable. At 1684 Massachusetts avenue, near Shepard street. Strictly first class.

57 tf

TUTORING for final examinations and entrance conditions. Office hours, 2-3 daily. Latin, Greek, French, and German.

W. J. MILLER '93, 3 Warland.Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

F. C. MCLAUGHLIN, A. M., 4 Read's Block.80 tf

TUTORING.- History I.

C. E. WHITMORE, Jr., Hollis 12.77 tf

Let any man who thinks a shoe as good as the one he is wearing cannot be sold for $6.00, $5.00 or even $4.00, examine the Crawford-sold only at Crawford Shoe Stores.
