The intercollegiate bicycle meet, to determine the holders of points which will count in the Mott Haven games, will be held tomorrow afternoon on the Manhattan Beach track. The college scoring most points in these races has five points to its credit, the second two, and the third one. Harvard has entered a team of eight men. Hewitt, Powers and Baker went on the Fall River boat yesterday, with the rubber. Captain Wood, Burdett, Hurt, Richards and Dacy go on the three o'clock train today. The team will stay at the United States Hotel in Sheepshead Bay, which is quite near the track. The track is a third of a mile like the Cambridgeport one and is well banked.
The men have shown great improvement since the Pennsylvania games, as they have been enabled to ride on the track in the Port, which was not ready before the recess, and are showing good form. Each man is entered for every race, but only five will start in an event. The tandem teams will be Hewitt and Baker on a Transit and Hurt and Powers on a Syracuse. There are five races as follows: Quarter-mile, half-mile, mile, five mile, and tandem. Hewitt, Powers and Baker will ride the short distances, quarter, half, and mile; Dacy, Wood and Burdett will ride in the five mile, and Richards and Hurt will start in the mile race. There will be only one man from each college in a heat. Columbia and Pennsylvania are generally considered to have the strongest teams, but in Gary, Dartmouth has a rider who should win any event he enters, if he is not tired. The order of the races is: 2 p. m.- Half-mile heats, five mile race, quarter-mile heats, one mile race (heats if necessary), one mile tandem (heats if necessary), half-mile final, one mile final (if any), one mile tandem final (if any), quarter-mile final.
The men will be back in time to compete in the A. C. C. races on the thirtieth. Most of them have also entered in the invitation college meeting to be held on the Cambridgeport track on June 3. A large number of entries from other colleges have been received for this meeting and it promises to be very successful.
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