Brief for the Affirmative.G. L. PAINE and T. H. RUSSELL.
Best general references: Booth, In Darkest England; Albert Shaw in Forum, Vol. XII, 762-772 (Feb. 1892); Lend a Hand, Vol. XIV, pp. 163, 208 (Mch. 1895).
I. The deplorable conditions of life among the lowest classes demand some such combative agency as the Salvation Army.- (a) Religious motives as well as physical are needed to induce a change of life: Booth, p, 241.- (1) The man himself must be changed "when it is his character and conduct that constitute the reasons for his failure in the battle of life:" Booth, pp. 85, 252.- (b) Such spiritual motives generally lacking in ordinary methods of poor relief.- (1) The Poor Law Guardian is mostly a dispenser of material help-money, food, shelter, etc.- (c) The spiritual incentives to better lives are given by the Salvation Army.- (1) They feed not only the body but the soul.
II. The methods of the Salvation Army are most efficient.- (a) Their "soldiers" are the best possible for such work.- (1) They best know the conditions of life among which they work.- (x) They are themselves redeemed souls.- (2) They best can sympathize with the sufferers.- (3) Their entire lives are devoted to their task.- (4) Their enthusiasm is genuine and voluntary.- (x) No one is compelled to join the army.- (y) Any soldier can withdraw at any time.- (5) Obedience is absolute and willing: Booth, pp. 242, 243.- (b) Methods are most direct.- (1) Soldiers come into closest and most intimate contact with those they seek to save.- (x) They visit the poor in their homes, saloons and dens of all kinds.- (y) They entice men into their indoor religious meetings.- (z) They reach them by attractive outdoor religious meetings: Booth, p. 244, and App. p. 66, 77.- (c) Methods are least expensive.- (1) Little training is necessary. - (x) Their workers are already familiar with the needs of their work. (2) Salaries and wages are the smallest possible.- (x) Soldiers serve for love not money.
III. The methods of the Salvation Army are the only ones that reach the classes of people among whom they chiefly work.- (a) Other methods, as of charitable societies public and private fail to reach this lowest stratum.- (1) They are regulative rather than preventive.- (x) They relieve suffering rather than remove the causes.- (b) The soldier alone is willing to tackle the evil in the places of its origin.- (c) The Army methods alone seem able to stir up the most hardened to better lives.- (1) Such people can be roused only by strong appeals to their emotions, such as (x) stirring music; (y) personal pressure; (z) enthusiastic meetings.
IV. Whatever imperfections in the methods, they are justified by the results.- (a) The organization has achieved far-reaching success.- (1) It is established in 34 countries.- (2) It embraces 3200 societies, including 10,788 officers.- (3) Property worth L800,000.- (4) 50,000 weekly meetings.- (5) 28 weekly newspapers and 15 magazines with a total subscription of 51 millions: Lend a Hand, vol. XIV, p. 208; Booth App.- (b) Thousands of men and women have been rescued from lives of degradation to lives of noblest service in behalf of their fellowmen.
Brief for the Negative.F. H. SMITH, JR., and C. R. WILSON.
Best general references: Social Diseases and Worse Remedies, T. H. Huxley; Facts About the Salvation Army, "Nora Marks"; The Spectator, vol. 55 (2), 922-923 (July 15, 1882); 1132-1133 (Sept. 2, 1882); The Saturday Review, vol. 55, 173, 174 (Feb. 10, 1883); vol. 56, 491, 492 (Oct. 20. 1883); Public Opinion, vol. 20, 209-211 (Feb. 13, 1896); 304-306 (March 5, 1896); 369-371 (March 17, 1896); 659-660 (May 21, 1896); North American Review, vol. 159, 697-710 (Dec., 1894).
I. Methods of organization are not commendable.- (A) It is an autocratic despotism.- (1) In its excessive military system.- (a) The word of the commander-in-chief is absolute law.- (x) He appoints and recalls without reasons. (y) The entire army is responsible to him.- (b) Officers and privates are absolutely submissive to superiors.- (c) There are many petty personal rules and restrictions. Facts about the Salvation Army, pp. 152-160. North American Review, vol. 159, pp. 700-701.- (2) In its autocratic financial system.- (a) All property is vested in the hands of the commander-in-chief.- (b) No suit can be brought against him to recover property.- (x) Salaries or allowances not received by officers cannot be recovered.- (c) No other officer of the army has any voice in financial matters: Social Diseases and Worse Remedies, pp. 84-89, 167-168; Public Opinion, p. 305, (5th March, '96); Article from N. Y. Recorder.- (B) They have caused unnecessary trouble.- (1) They are incompatible with the work to be done.- (a) Christian work is not army work.- It does not require such strict discipline and organization.- (2) The recent dissension is a result of these methods.- (x) General Ballington Booth resigned because he received an unreasonable command from General Booth, and then instituted the "Volunteers": Public Opinion, 13th of Feb., 1896, 5th of March, 19th of March, 21st of May, 1896.
II. Its methods of work are not commendable.- (A) They tend to vulgarize religion.- (1) They inculcatir reverential Christianity.- (x) Owing to use of reckless language in the treatment of sacred subjects.- (y) Owing to the use of profane and unsuitable music: Spectator, vol. 55 (2), pp. 922, 923, 1132: Saturday Review, vol. 55, p. 174.- (B) The vulgarization of religion is incompatible with Christianity.- (1) Reverence is the essence of Christian religion.- (C) The methods limit the benefit to a small class.- (1) A vulgar religion appeals only to the lowest classes.- (D) The benefit is really slight-(a) as it does not bring true religion to the converts.- (E) They tend to breed disorder.- (1) They provoke hostility.- (a) Members. of the Army court martyrdom.- (b) The Army is composed largely of reformed "toughs."-(2) The methods engender defiance of the law: Saturday Review, vol. 56, pp. 491, 492; Public Opinion, p 369, 19th March, 1896.
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