The current number of the Advocate, which appears today, contains nothing to suggest that the college year is almost at an end and that the editors are occupied with other things than writing stories. The contents are fully up to the Advocate standard which really signifies a great deal this year.
The best thing in the number is the sketch, "An Operation," by Guy Scull '98. A revolting theme is treated in an unrevolting manner and with considerable force. "Sib's Mogul," by P. A. Hutchinson is rather conventional but interesting and well written. H. H. Hill's, "A Pessimist Cured" is amusing as are the two sketches, "From Zaandam to the Zuider Zee," and "An Unfinished Sketch in Bavaria."
"Lothaire," a poem by P. L. Shaw, is excellent. The heroic strain is artificial and the vocabulary crude, but the poem is decidedly well worth publishing. "The Little Conservatory Girl," by A. D. Sheffield is a well told story. The College Kodaks are weak, except the one about Dan, the Canuck.
We are pleased to note how frequently the Advocate has published stories of college life, and that the vogue for grewsome and morbid tales is fast disappearing.
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