(Continued from third page.)
Memorial Service. To commemorate the sons of Harvard who fell in the War. Sanders Theatre, 12 m.
Col. N. P. Hallowell '61 will deliver the address. Officers of the University may obtain tickets at Sever's bookstore on Thursday, May 28. Graduates can secure two tickets each on application to Charles H. Thurston, Cambridge, before Thursday, May 28. Undergraduates can get reserved seats of Thurston on Friday, May 29. Seats will not be reserved after 11.55 a. m.
Appleton Chapel-Sunday Evenings.May 24.- Rev. W. W. Fenn, of Chicago.
May 31.- A service in memory of Professor Andrew Preston Peabody. A memorial tablet will be dedicated. Service conducted by Rev. A. Machkenzie, D. D. Addresses by Rev. James DeNormandie and Rev. Francis G. Peabody, D. D.
June 7.- Rev. S. M. Crothers, of Cambridge.
Lectures at the Arnold Arboretum.Mr. J. G. Jack will conduct a series of Lectures and Field Meetings at the Arnold Arboretum during May and June for the purpose of supplying popular instruction about the Trees and Shrubs which grow in New England. They will he held on Saturday mornings at 10 o'clock and on Wednesday afternoons at 3 o'clock, beginning on Saturday, May 2, and closing June 20.
The course is open to both men and women.
The fee for the course is $6.00, payable in advance.
Applications or further inquiries may be addressed to Mr. J. G. Jack, Jamaica Plain, Mass.
Lectures on Rural Hygiene.A very interesting course of lectures was begun at the Bussey Institution last Thursday by Professor Theobald Smith. The subject is Rural Hygiene, and the lectures are given on Thursdays, at 4 p. m., through April and May. These lectures are open to members of the University without fee. The main topics discussed will be, Drinking Water and Sewerage in the Country, Heating and Ventilation in Country Houses, The Dairy in its Relation to Public Health, The Relation of Animal Diseases to those of Man, and The Prevention of Infectious Diseases. The admission fee for persons not members of the University is $3.
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