

SOUTHERN CLUB.- Picture will not be taken this afternoon.

H. K. BRENT, Sec.ALL members of the Freshman Musical Clubs be at the Albany station at 4.25 sure. Find special car there. Don't be late.

M. S. SAVAGE.D. U. B. B. C.- Following men report at 4 p. m. today: McKibben, Bancroft, Leeson, Marks, Fullerton, Murdock, Howard, Smith.

FRESHMAN BANJO AND MANDOLIN CLUBS.- The picture will be taken today at 2 o'clock at Pach's studio.

HARVARD FORUM.- The treasurer of the Forum will be in 17 Grays on Friday and Saturday, May 22 and 23, from 11 a. m., to 1 p. m. to receive dues. Members may received their shingles at that time.


H. B.HUNTINGTON, Treas.HARVARD NATIONAL CONVENTION.- The head delegates may get "shingles" for themselves and their delegates from the secretary at Hollis 4. A contract has been made for framing the shingles at a low rate with Olsson, Harvard square.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- The treasurer of the St. Paul's Society will be in 17 Grays from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. on Friday and Saturday, May 22 and 23 to receive dues. Members may sign the constitution and receive their shingles at that time.

A. M. SAYRE, Treas.HARVARD UNION.- Picture to be taken Saturday, May 23, at 1 p. m., in rear of Sever.

H. D. BUSHNELL, Sec.CLASS OF '96 HARVARD LAW SCHOOL.- The photograph of the graduating class of '96 will be taken (by Pach) on the steps of the Law School, Tuesday, May 26, at half-past five o'clock in the afternoon. It is necessary that all members of the class, both on their own account and for the sake of their classmates, should make it a point to be present.

CHARLES H. FISKE, JR., Secretary.'97 BASEBALL.- Practice at 3.00. E. STEVENS, Capt.72 tf
