
Interest in Debating at Yale.

At the last meeting of the Yale Alumni Association of New York, the following resolutions were adopted:

"Resolved, That the Yale Alumni Association of New York regards with deep gratification the interest at Yale during the past year in extemporaneous debate resulting in two victories in intercollegiate debate-one, last December, over Princeton; the other, on May first, over Harvard; and congratulates Yale University upon this splendid record of achievement in a field of intellectual contest and discipline.

"Resolved, That this association desires at the same time to express its appreciation of the debt the university owes to Professor Hadley and to Dr. E. V. Raynolds, as well as to members of the union and others of the university, for the extremely valuable help which they have rendered to the two teams.

"Resolved, That the secretary of this association be and he hereby is instructed to forward a copy of these resolutions to the Yale News and the Yale Alumni Weekly for insertion therein; also to Professor Hadley, to Dr. Raynolds and to the members of the two teams, namely in the Princeton debate, C. U. Clark, E. H. McVey and A. Rice, and in the Harvard debate, R. S. Baldwin, W. H. Clark and A. P. Stokes, Jr.

"Extract from the minutes.


