
Official Notice.

THE strength tests at the Gymnasium will not be taken till after the intercollegiate games in New York. Students desiring to better their records may have an opportunity for doing so at the Gymnasium any day, Saturdays excepted, between 10 and 12 a. m. or from 2 to 4 p. m.

GENTLEMEN who expect to receive the degrees of Master of Arts or Doctor of Philosophy at the coming Commencement are requested to assemble for a short meeting in U. E. R. (third floor of University Hall), on Thursday, May 21, promptly at 5 o'clock p. m.

JOHN H. WRIGHT, Dean of the Graduate School.ENGLISH 9.- The references to the reserved copy of Pater's "Marius," edition 1885, are as follows: Pages 11-49, 106-111, 118-121, 126-129, 143-144, 145-158, 159-171, 198-204, 236-239, 245-251, 253-270, 301-311, 330-345, 346-352, 364-375, 405-416, 437-452. The references given in the lecture were to the edition of 1893.

