

PI ETA SOCIETY.- Rehearsal of principals and chorus in Old Rooms tonight at 7.30 sharp.

'97 NINE.- No practice today. Practice Monday at 2 o'clock.

E. STEVENS.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Any man who misses the rehearsals Monday, Wednesday and Friday cannot play at Brookline Saturday night.

J. A. BURNHAM, JR., Leader.CRICKET ELEVEN.- The following men will be in front of the Cooperative Society at 1.15 to go to Lowell: Lippincott, Scott, Wells, Hastings, Comfort, Gray, Morgan, Waters, Blanchard, Parry, Von Utassy.

P. H. CLARK, Capt.'98 NINE.- All candidates be on Soldiers Field at 2.30 today.


J. W. EDMUNDS.FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- The following men be at Sanborn's, ready to go to Groton, at 10.30 sharp this morning: Davis, Sears, Fitz, Jaffray, Mills, Litchfield, Baldwin, Morse, Lynch; McCall.

G. W. THOMPSON.WELD CREW.- Row at 4.00.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Meeting today at 2.30 in Lower Dane. Everyone must attend.

M. S. SAVAGE, Sec.H. A. A.- Members can secure reserved seats for the invitation games, May 9, at Leavitt and Peirce's today. Tickets will be put on general sale Monday.

'96 BASEBALL.- No practice today. All out Monday at 3.30.

F. W. GRIFFIN.SHOOTING CLUB.- Harris, Bartol, Dupont, Shaw and Bancroft be at Providence station, Saturday, at 1.30 sharp, to go to Dedham.

