

No Headline

There is much reasonable complaint among the students concerning the wretched care that is being taken of the College Yard. This negligence is an entirely new development, and an exceedingly unpleasant one. Students at Harvard have always been proud of their College Yard with its carefully tended walks and well kept grass. It used to be shown to visitors as one of the most picturesque and charming spots in Cambridge, and men who love the old place for its beauty and its associations cannot see it in its present state of neglect without making a vigorous protest.

During the last few weeks of drought the grass has never been watered, and consequently it has a withered and dusty look and in some parts of the Yard has disappeared completely, leaving great bare places. Weeds of all kinds have flourished and now bid fair to replace the grass. Pieces of paper that are thrown down by students are allowed to blow about for days; the edges of the paths are uncut and the paths themselves are not looked after. In general the Yard presents a thoroughly unkempt appearance.
