
Official Notice.

FRENCH 7.- The second theme for this month is due on Tuesday next and not today, Saturday.

F. C. DE SUMICHRAST.THE GEOLOGICAL EXCURSION TO CAPE COD.- Those desiring to join the geological excursion to the extremity of Cape Cod, conducted by Prof. Davis, will take steamer "Longfellow" for Provincetown, leaving the north side of Commercial Wharf, Boston, at 9 a. m., Saturday morning, May 16th. The total cost of the excursion will be about five dollars. The party will stay over Sunday at the Atlantic House, Province-town, returning by steamer Monday morning, arriving in Boston at 12.30. Each man will buy his own ticket.

THE Harvard College Observatory will be open to members of the Senior Class from 8 to 10 o'clock on the evenings of May 20, 21 and 22.


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