To the Editors of the Crimson:
In past years, if there has been any trait to distinguish the Harvard students from their fellows in other colleges, it has been their prevailing regard for gentlemanly conduct,- their almost universal courtesy. We have been charged with snobbishness and indifference, but even our enemies have conceded to us a general respect for outward decorum, and abhorrence of boyish and "Kiddish" conduct. During the present year many things have happened which seem to show that we are in danger of losing our former high reputation. Such acts as the painting of the Fogg Museum, and the explosions at the lecture last Wednesday evening, would have seemed incredible at Harvard two or three years ago.
But these outrages,- for that is the proper word to apply to them,- may be the work of one or two men unworthy of the University to which they belong. This cannot be said of the disposition to disturb lecturers at the regular college exercises. This tendency to disorderly conduct has not for years been so marked as at present. It is a real symptom of degeneracy at Harvard, of a loss of respect for the rights of one's neighbor, of a decline in self-respect. I submit to the readers of the CRIMSON whether these symptoms of a decline in character among the general body of Harvard students do not deserve the serious attention of every man; whether it is not the duty of each one of us to do his utmost to counteract them.
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