THERE are as yet some delegates to the Harvard National Convention who have not paid their assessments and received their tickets. They must do so before six o'clock Saturday, May 16, or forfeit their seats.
R. W. SPRAGUE, Sec.- Treas., 4 Hollis Hall.'98 NINE.- The following men be on Soldiers Field at 3.45 p. m., dressed to play: Daly, Ely, Slade, Davis, Foster, Bacon, Abrams, Sterling, Pierpont, Abbott, Kimball.
F. J. GOODRIDGE.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp. All must attend.
PHILIP FRENCH, Sec.THE few remaining tickets to the Harvard National Convention will be distributed to undergraduates at Hollis 4 this afternoon from 5 to 6 o'clock.
HARVARD NATIONAL CONVENTION.- The committee desires that all delegates, who have not received the required admission tickets to the convention, Monday night, should procure them at once at 4 Hollis. The heads of delegations will please bear in mind that this matter of tickets is a very important one and should see to it that the men under them are provided with tickets. If any mistake or misunderstanding in regard to this matter has arisen the said chairmen on the Republican side are expected to report to W. M. Gardner at 27 Weld. The tickets must be distributed at once.
ANDOVER CLUB.- Important meeting Tuesday, May 19, at 7.30 p. m., in Thayer 53. Election of officers for 1896-97. All men who ever attended Phillips Andover Academy are urged to be present.
COLLEGE NINE.- No practice today.
A. M. BEALE.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.30 sharp in 39 Claverly. All who wish to play in the concert Saturday must attend.
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