
Christian Association.

The regular weekly meeting of the Christian Association was held last evening. H. K. Stanley '97, the leader of the evening, spoke on "Foreign Missions." Harvard now has one man at work in India, supported by some of the students. A letter was read telling of the work he is doing.

G. L. Peabody '86 was present and spoke on the same subject. While in college he was captain of the football team and president of the Christian Association. Professor Peabody closed the meeting with a prayer and benediction.

After the meeting the semi annual election was held, and the following officers were elected for the first half of next year:

President, David Fales '97.

First Vice-president, G. Gleason '97.


Second Vice-president, J. E. Gregg, '97.

Third Vice-president, G. D. Marvin '99.

Treasurer, E. D. Barton '98.

Corresponding Secretary, W. W. Comfort, Gr.

Librarian, E. W. Cutting '98.

Treasurer of Secretary Fund, W. H. Porter '98.

The election of the Recording Secretary was postponed.
