

Silver Loving Cup Presented to the Football Association.

Yesterday afternoon Captain Wrightington of the Football Eleven received a magnificent silver loving cup sent by the United States Military Academy Athletic Association at West Point, N. Y., to the Harvard Football Association.

The gift is a result of an event which occurred last fall during the football season. At the time of the Harvard-West Point game, the West Point management promised and paid the Harvard Football Association a guarantee of $250 to secure the game. When the association learned, however, that the West Point team was not allowed to charge admission to its games and was supported entirely by voluntary subscription the guarantee was returned. In recognition of this act, the cup was sent with the following letter:

U. S. M. A. WEST POINT, N. Y., May 12, 1896.

MR. E. N. WRIGHTINGTON, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



We have forwarded to you by National Express today, for the Harvard Football Association, a "loving cup," which we trust your association will accept in recognition of the friendly feeling existing here toward Harvard, and of the cordial relations which we hope may continue between the two institutions.

The recollections of the visit of your eleven here last fall are of the pleasantest nature; but it has been felt by the members of our association that this was not enough, and that your generous act in returning the guarantee, paid to secure the game, called for more substantial acknowledgement than mere words. There has been no thought or attempt on our part, in sending this, toward a repayment of that gift, and we trust you will consider it in no such light. Our athletics, as you may know, being supported entirely by voluntary subscription, the return of our guarantee was gladly accepted; but the act nevertheless had more than a money value with us.

We hope you will accept this cup in furtherance of the friendly spirit in which it was sent-the same spirit in which we know your gift to have been made.

Very truly yours,

GEO. H. SHELTON, Pres. U. S. M. A. Athletic Association.
