

HARVARD UNION.- There will be a special business meeting Thursday, May 14, at 7.15 p. m., in Holyoke 37. Important business.

J. P. HALL, President.ALL members of the Republican Club who have not yet paid their annual dues are requested to send the same, as soon as possible, to the treasurer, Mr. De Laittre, at 15 W. H.

FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal for guitars only at 1.30 o'clock today at 39 Claverly Hall.

O. F. RICHARDS.FRESHMAN MUSICAL CLUBS.- The pictures of the Freshman clubs will be taken next Friday at 1.30 o'clock at the back of Sever Hall.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal of double quartette at 6.45 tonight in Lower Dane.


H. S. DENISON, Leader.CRICKET ELEVEN.- The following men will be at Longwood at 2 p. m., dressed to play against B. A. A.: Gray, Lippincott, Hastings, Comfort, Wells, Scott, Blanchard, Du Pont, Byrd, Morgan.

P. H. CLARK, Capt.A REGULAR meeting of the Worcester Academy Club of Harvard University will be held May 15, from 8 to 10, at 20 Grays Hall. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected.

J. M. JOHNSON, Sec.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Regular meeting in Holden Chapel, 6.45 p. m., Thursday. Subject: Foreign Missions, led by Mr. H. E. Peabody, president of Christian Brethren in '87.

HARVARD NATIONAL CONVENTION.- All graduates and officers of the University desiring tickets to the Harvard National Convention can secure them by applying to R. W. Sprague, 4 Hollis Hall either personally between 5 and 6 o'clock or through the mail. Students can secure tickets at the same place Thursday between 5 and 6 p. m. Tickets free. No delegate will be permitted to vote in the convention unless he has paid his assessment of twenty-five cents. The secretary will be at the Republican caucus tomorrow afternoon to give out tickets to the delegates and receive their assessments.
