
The Alcayde.

The third and last Cambridge performance of "The Alcayde" was given in Brattle Hall last evening. Freedom from noticeable hitches and a general improvement in the acting of both principals and minors in the cast made the performance a decided success. E. M. Waterhouse '97, again filled the role of Farina with marked ability in both singing and acting. In the topical song by J. A. Loud '98, N. H. White was encored again and again. With his funny acting as the Gentle Prince of Fez, Arnold Scott '97, kept the audience continually laughing. In the minor role of Mocha, versatile valet to the Grand Inquisitor, F. Winchester '97, carried off his part much to the amusement of all.

The entire presentation was a success and reflects credit on both principals and minors in the cast. The remaining two performances will be given at Salem on Saturday, May 16, and at Lynn on Tuesday, May 19.
