

HARVARD MUSICAL CLUBS.- The picture of the Harvard Musical Clubs will be taken on the steps of Sever, Tuesday, May 12, at 1.20 p. m. All men who took part in the spring concert, and also all members of the Glee Club, are expected to report at 1.30 sharp.

A. R. SHERIFF, W. E. PUTMAM, R. C. THOMAS, Photo Committee.THE annual meeting of the Harvard Memorial Society will be held in 20 Little's Block on Tuesday evening of next week, May 12, at 7.30 p. m. sharp. Reports for the year from all officers and chairmen of committees are expected. This is the last meeting in which the Class of '96 will participate. All '97 men must be present without fail, as the officers from '97 are to be chosen at this meeting. All those who have not obtained their shingles may get them Tuesday evening. The presence of every undergraduate member is expected.

