

'96 PHI BETA KAPPA.- All men who have not already ordered their caps and gowns must do so at the Co-operative today.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight. Banjeaurines at 7; rest at 7.30 sharp.

PHILIP FRENCH, Sec.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock. Every man who wishes to sing in Brattle Hall must attend. Double quartette rehearsal at 5 in Lower Dane.

M. S. SAVAGE, Sec.'VARSITY GLEE, BANJO AND MANDOLIN CLUBS.- All men who played in the spring concert and all members of the Glee Club now in College, be at rear door of Sever Hall at 1.30 today.

R. L. SCAIFE, Sec.THE Shakespeare Club will meet Wednesday evening, May 13, at 7.30, in Little's 4. "The Winter's Tale" will be read. Important business will be the election of officers.


GLENN TILLEY MORSE, Sec.ALL delegates to the Harvard National Convention are to be assessed 25 cents to pay the expense of printing tickets, shingles, etc. The assessment must be paid to Chairman of State Delegation, or to R. W. Sprague, Jr., Treasurer, 4 Hollis Hall. Hours 5 to 6 p. m. daily.

HARVARD National Convention Republican Caucus, Wednesday evening, 7.30 sharp to 8., in Sever 11. All Republican delegates are urged to be preseut as this will be their only meeting before the convention.

HARVARD FORUM.- Half-hour business meeting, Tuesday evening, 7.30, at 25 Stoughton. Last meeting of the year. All members must be present to get shingles.

G. GLEASON, Sec.'97 BASEBALL.- Practice at 3.30.

E. STEVENS, Capt.72 tf

'98 NINE.- All men be on Soldiers Field dressed to play at 3.30 sharp.

