

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

On the Student Parade.

The circular which has been sent out to the students of the University shows how strong is the desire of the Cambridge officials to have the students take part in the procession of June 3. There is reason to believe that Harvard graduates everywhere would consider our failure to do so most unfortunate. It is a duty which we owe to Cambridge, and more particularly, to our alma mater.

The plan of securing the support of individual students in this matter has failed. Large masses of men can accomplish little by individual action; concerted action is necessary. Therefore, let such bodies of students as the members of the Hasty Pudding, the Pi Eta, the Institute of 1770, and the Delta Upsilon proclaim openly their support of the movement, and there will be formed a nucleus round which will gather hundreds of men who are simply waiting for leaders.


These men have it in their power to make the movement successful. Their loyalty to Harvard demands that they do it.

