GERMAN.- A native teacher from a leading school gives thorough instruction in grammar, literature and conversation.
RICHARD WAGENKNECHT, 36 West Cedar St., Boston.61 4t
FOR SALE.- The c. b. cutter designed by Edward Burgess and built by Lawley in 1890. Length over all, 40 feet; l. w. l., 29.10; beam, 11 ft.; draught, 5ft.; lead keel of 5.5 tons; two suits of working sails and complete suit of light sails. The yacht is copper-fastened and centre-board sheathed with copper. Running rigging complete. Also an extra set of main halliards of steel wire with blocks for same. For further particulars address.
WM. E. WATERHOUSE, 54 Devonshire street, Boston.59-5tf
A BICYCLE TRIP IN EUROPE.- Mr. Channing Ellery (Columbia '77) is organizing a small party of college men for a Bicycle Tour in Europe during the coming summer. The party will sail June 24 from New York, on the "Brittannic," to be gone 95 days. The plan is to ride through England (stopping at Henley for the regatta), Belgium, Luxemberg, the Rhine and Moselle Valleys, Germany, Switzerland and France, and to visit places of interest on the route. The price of the entire trip will be $550. References given and required. Full particulars may be had by addressing Mr. Ellery at
228 West 38th Street, New York City.
63 5t
STUDENTS can secure transient or permanent board and rooms for themselves, their relatives and friends visiting Cambridge at this time. Terms reasonable. At 1684 Massachusetts avenue, near Shepard street. Strictly first class.
57 tf
TUTORING.- Mr. Wm. Herbert King, S. B. (M. I. T. '94) will tutor in Mathematics. Two year's experience in teaching and tutoring Mathematics. Highest references. Address, CRIMSON office.
62 tf
ONE club table can be accommodated at 1200 Mass. avenue. Seats 10 to 14. $6.00 per week. 63 4t
FOR SALE.- Pony. Good for saddle and driving. Call at Quincy Square Stables. 65 2t
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