
Football Practice.

About fifteen men are now out playing in the football squad. Their names are as follows: Quarterbacks, Valentine '98, Davis '98, Knox '98, Farley '99, Cochran '99; the other men are trying for various positions, but they are mostly backs, there being but few line men with the squad. The rest of the men are: Dunlop '97, Gardner '97, Fitz '97, Tuckerman '97, Hanavan, Sp., Marvin '98, Stone '98 and Jackson '99. Captain Wrightington is doing most of the coaching. All the men practice sprints of 10 yards each to start in the work, running two by two. Then after lining up and falling on the ball for a short time, the quarterbacks pass balls for the backs to kick and the day's work is concluded with some place kicking.
