
Interclass Track Games.

The following rules will govern the class games to be held on Monday, the 13th:

1. The points shall be counted as follows: A first prize shall count five points; a second prize shall count three points; a third prize shall count one point.

2. In case of two classes scoring an equal number of points, that class which shall win the most first prizes shall be declared the winner of the cup. In case there is still a tie, the second prizes shall count. If there is still a tie, the upper class shall be declared the winner.

3. These games are open to undergraduates, and special students of undergraduate departments who shall compete for the class with which they enter.

4. The captains of the four class teams shall be appointed at least two weeks before the games by the captain of the 'varsity team.


5. Each captain shall furnish the secretary of the H. A. A. with a list of his entries at least four days before the games.

6. The drawings for the heats shall be done by the 'varsity captain and the captains of the class teams three days before the games.

7. The officials for the games shall be appointed by the executive committee of the H. A. A.

8. Prizes will be given to first, second and third men in each event.

9. The events and the rules and restrictions for the events shall be the same as those adopted from year to year by the I. C. A. A. A. A., except as hereinafter specified.

10. Each class shall be limited to four entries in the 100, 220, 440 yards dashes; 120, 220 yards hurdles; and the mile walk; in the other events to three entries.

11. The order of starting in the preliminary heats shall be determined by lot; but no two men of a class shall compete in the same heat unless necessary to complete the heats.

12. (a) The 100 yards dash and 120 yards hurdle race winners of preliminary heats and the winner of the special heat for second men shall start in the final. (b) In the 220 yards dash, the 220 yards hurdle, and the bicycle race, the winner of the preliminary heats and the second man in the fastest preliminary heat shall start in the final. (c) (These rules subject to revision). The 440 yards dash shall be run in one heat if there are not more than ten starters, otherwise four men shall constitute a heat. However, if there are less than three starters in the last heat the referee shall consider the last heat a walkover and place the starters in the other preliminary heats. The first and second men in the heats shall run in the finals. (d) All the other events will be contested in one heat.
