

Teams from All the Prominent Colleges will Compete.

All the arrangements for the invitation meeting to be held on Holmes Field are progressing favorably and the indications are that it will be the most interesting set of games the Harvard Athletic Association has ever given.

As the games come two weeks before the New England Intercollegiates it is expected that nearly all the prominent New England athletes will compete. Although the entry blanks have not yet been sent out, Brown, Dartmouth, Bowdoin and M. I. T. have already signified their intention of sending their entire teams.

In the intercolleglate relay race teams from all the larger colleges with the exception of Harvard and Pennsylvania are expected to start. In the relay race for schools, there will be in addition to the Boston schools, competition from the two Worcester schools and probably from the Portland High School.

All of the men who won in the international track events last fall have signified their desire of entering the May 9 meet. They are Conneff of Holy Cross College, Chase of Dartmouth, Kilpatrick of Union, Wefers of Georgetown, and Burke of Boston University. In addition, the "Athens Team" of the Boston A. A., which will by that time have returned from Greece will undoubtedly enter.

In the half mile scratch race there will will be at least five starters who have records better than two minutes. The list of events, as finally decided upon, will be:



(All handicaps except 880 yards special and Relay race).

120 yards hurdles (9 yards limit penalty).

146 2/3 yards hurdles (2/3 regular distance; 9 yards limit).

150 yards dash (9 yards limit).

440 yards run (30 yards limit).

880 yards run (60 yards limit).

880 yards run (special scratch race).

1 mile run (120 yards limit).

1 mile walk (45 seconds limit).

1 mile bicycle race (60 yards limit).

Interscholastic relay race (open).

Intercollegiate relay race (Harvard barred).


Putting 16-pound shot (6 feet limit).

Throwing 16-pound hammer (24 feet limit).

Running high jump (no limit).

Running broad jump (2 feet limit).

Pole vault (18 inches limit).

While the events are being run off the CRIMSON will put upon a board on the field a bulletin of the Harvard-Princeton baseball game which will be played at Princeton that day.

Entries will close May 1, with P. S. Dalton, 7 Wadsworth House. Entry blanks will be ready for distribution tomorrow.
