
Delta Upsilon Theatricals.

Last evening in Brattle Hall the Harvard Chapter of the Delta Upsilon fraternity gave Oliver Goldsmith's play, "The Good Natured Man." The performance showed a good deal of careful training, and much credit is due to Professor Baker and Mr. Hayes. The play itself, apart from its clever dialogue and amusing situation, is very interesting. It shows the differences of construction, notably at the end of each act, between Goldsmith's time and the present.

The acting was about up to the average of amateur performances. W. E. Dorman '98 as Croaker just missed being good. The fault was chiefly in his makeup. He looked altogether too cheerful for a "croaker." Allan Abbott '96 and Sturgis Coffin '97, the former as Jarvis, the latter in the double role of Butler and Bailiff, both did well. J. L. O'Brian '96 as Lofty deserves most credit. He entered thoroughly into the spirit of his part and showed genuine dramatic ability.

The music was furnished by the Student Volunteer Orchestra, H. M. Adler '97, leader.
