

Only Cambridge Performance of Gold=smith's "The Good=Natured Man."

The only production of the Delta Upsilon play which is to be given in Cambridge will occur tonight in Brattle Hall at 8 o'clock. The performance this year will be of especial interest, as it marks a departure from the former policy of the fraternity. In former years, the plays produced have been the work of one of the members of the fraternity; this year will see brought out one of Goldsmith's comedies, "The Good-Natured Man." Although not so widely known as some of Goldsmith's other works the play teems with humorous situations and witty dialogue.

The men who are to take part in the play have been faithfully rehearsing for the last six weeks, and during the last two weeks daily rehearsals have been held. At the final dress rehearsal last evening everything went off smoothly and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. The men take hold of their parts with life, and seem to show an appreciation of the requirements of their roles. The cast for this evening's performance is as follows:


Sir William Honeywood, E. E. Rice '97.

Mr. Honeywood, C. N. Smith '98.


Jarvis, Allan Abbott '96.

Croaker, W. E. Dorman '98.

Leontine, Hugh Bancroft '98.

Lofty, J. L. O'Brien '96.

Dubardieu, W. E. Blodgett '96.

Butler, Sturgis Coffin '97.

Bailiff, Sturgis Coffin '97.

Follower, H. B. Huntington '97.

Postboy, H. B. Huntington '97.

