

The Course for the Quadrangular Race Practically Decided Upon.

Although it has not been officially announced it has leaked out that the quadrangular race between Harvard, Cornell, Pennsylvania and Columbia will be held at Saratoga on June 26.

On a vote taken three weeks ago Saturday, the first three colleges, as named above, voted for Saratoga, while Columbia alone held out for the Poughkeepsie course. On the breaking up of the meeting of the Regatta Committee, it was agreed that if Columbia could get a bill passed by Congress, restricting traffic on the Poughkeepsie river during the day of the race, that the other three college would reconsider their vote. Three weeks were given to Columbia to put this bill through Congress but as the three weeks are up today and nothing has materialized the first decision of the committee will undoubtedly be abided by. Mr. Mumford represented Harvard at the meetings of the committee.

Neither the 'varsity crew or any of the class crews rowed Saturday on account of the strong wind.
