WILL the man who Saturday morning took by mistake from Memorial Hall a hat with owner's name on the inside of the hatband, please return it to the CRIMSON office any evening after 7 and get his own?
FOR SALE.- The well-known cabin cat Cocheco, very fast and able, winner of many prizes last summer. Racing length 18.6; finely built by Borden last spring; also a 15 footer, yawl or cat rig. For full particulars apply to H. E. Yerxa, 37 Lancaster street, North Cambridge.
J. O. TAYLOR, general jobber in furnaces, stoves, sheet iron and copper work; also repairer and urnisher of screens, doors and windows. Locks and keys fitted. Lawn mowers repaired and sharpened. Cash paid for old stoves. Send postal to 57 Plympton street, Cambridge.
FURNISHED ROOMS to let to transients or permanent lodgers, with or without board. At 1684 Massachusetts avenue, in brick block next to Shepard street. 45-5
BOSTON LATIN SCHOOL ASSOCIATION.- The annual dinner of the Association will be held at the Parker House, on Friday, April 10, at 6.30 p. m. Henry M. Rogers, Esq., will preside, and among others, Mayor Quincy will be present. All who have ever been connected with the school, whether members of the Association or not, are invited. Tickets, at $2.50 each, may be obtained of Thos. Tileston Baldwin, room 1038 Exchange Building, Boston.
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