
Special Notice.

THIRD YEAR MEN.- Third year law men get the same reduction on photographs as in former years at Pach's. 59-6

STUDENTS can secure transient or permanent board and rooms for themselves, their relatives and friends visiting Cambridge at this time. Terms reasonable. At 1684 Massachusetts avenue, near Shepard street. Strictly first class.

57 tf

TUTORING.- Mr. Wm. Herbert King, S. B. (M. I. T. '94) will tutor in Mathematics. Two years' experience in teaching and tutoring Mathematics. Highest references. Address, CRIMSON office.

62 tf


ONE club table can be accommodated at 1200 Mass. avenue. Seats 10 to 14. $6.00 per week. 63 4t

FOR SALE.- Six first-class bicycles at a discount. Address F. CRIMSON office.

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NEXT week the Castle Square Theatre celebrates its first anniversary of opera. Monday night's performance will be the 409th consecutive. The summer season also will begin then. The house has been put in summer trim from top to bottom. The "steady breeze of iced air," which last summer proved a potent attraction will blow again. The Ideal Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar Club has been re-engaged for promenade concerts for the summer, and will play while the audiences are gathering, and between the acts. The remarkable success of last year's summer season is widely known and the management will surpass its record during the coming hot months.

On Wednesday, at matinee and evening performances, handsome souvenir books, containing portraits and biographies of every opera produced during the year, will be distributed free to patrons. The opera selected for this great week is Meyerbeer's "The Huguenots." Preparation for this in every department has been thorough and the production will be the best ever seen in Boston. The cast, which is an unusually strong one, follows: Marguerite de Valois, wife of King Henry IV, Mlle. Fatmah Diard; Count de St. Bris, Catholic Governor of the Louvre, Mr. William Wolff; Valentine, his daughter, Miss Clara Lane, Miss Nina Bertini Humphrys; Count de Nevers, Mr. J. K. Murray; Cosse, Mr. Arthur Wooley; Thore, Mr. John Read; Retz, Mr. Albert Regas, Raoul de Nangis, Protestant gentleman, Mr. Thomas H. Persse, Mr. Charles O. Bassett; Marcel, Huguenot soldier, servant of Raoul, Mr. W. H. Clarke; Urban, page to Marguerite, Miss Hattie Belle Ladd; Bois-Rose, Huguenot soldier, Mr. J. F. Hanshue; Maid of Honor, Miss Celeste Wynn.
