The Lacrosse Team played its first game yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field, defeating the Boston Lacrosse Team by a score of 6 to 1. The Boston team showed plainly its lack of training, and the playing was nearly all near the Boston goal. Of the new men, H. C. Ring '98, W. Abbe '98, and J. Staab, L. S., did the best work.
The scheduled game with Johns Hopkins will not be played, but the team and one substitute will leave Cambridge Sunday evening for South Bethlehem, where a game will be played Monday with Lehigh. The men who will go and their positions are as follows: Scott, captain, third attack; J. A. Leighton, second attack; B. T. Burley, first attack; W. Abbe, first defence; J. Staab, second defence; A. L. Curtis, third defence; H. A. Sand, goal: R. H. Starr, point; M. C. Woods, coverpoint; C. H. Horne, centre; F. L. Beecher, outside home; H. C. Ring, inside home. Substitute, G. V. Dearborn.
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Other Games Saturday.