

NEW HAVEN, April 27, 1896.

The past week at Yale has been marked by a great deal of activity in all athletic branches. Since the defeat of the nine by Williams a week ago, the men have been kept at hard practice and have done such good work that the defeat by Brown, Saturday, was quite unexpected. The team is not in as good form as it should be at this time of year, the fielding being very uncertain, and weakness shown at first base and shortstop.

The crew has been coached for the past week by F. A. Johnson, captain of the ninety-four crew, and Bob Cook is expected shortly. Little change can be noted in the general work. A series of photographs were taken recently to show the individual faults of the men, the plan proving very successful. The squad will probably be reduced by two or three men during the coming week.

The spring games of the Track Athletic Association were held Tuesday, the rain preventing any remarkable records. The new material, however, showed up in good shape and it is expected that a strong team will be developed. There are few stars but the average of the forty-five men now in training is very high. It is the intention of the management to cut down the number of men actually on the team this year.

The two branches of freshman athletics, rowing and baseball, are not in a satisfactory condition, the crew being very ragged in general work, and the nine almost wholly lacking team play.

The interest in the work of the debaters is very great and the team is working hard with the aid of debates in the Union and talks by members of the faculty.


The production of "No Gentleman of France," by the Mask and Wig Club of the University of Pennsylvania, Wednesday evening was an unqualified success. A very large audience was present and the work of the chorus with the catchy songs of the principals were much appreciated.

The two fence orators from the sophomore and freshman classes who will speak on the occasion of the delivery of the fence to '99, were elected during the week, J. H. Scranton for '98, and E. T. Noble for '99. At the meeting of the freshman class, Thursday night, to choose their representatives, some disorder was caused by the sophomores and the freshmen to retaliate tried to "take the fence" by a series of rushes. They were finally driven off by '98 after an exciting skirmish.

