THIRD YEAR MEN.- Third year law men get the same reduction on photographs as in former years at Pach's. 59-6
STUDENTS can secure transient or permanent board and rooms for themselves, their relatives and friends visiting Cambridge at this time. Terms reasonable. At 1684 massachusetts avenue, near Shepard street. Strictly first class. 57 tf
BEGINNING tonight at the Castle Square Theatre, Washington Irving's charming legend of "Rip Van Winkle," set to Planquette's sympathetic music, which enhances the auditor's interest in this pathetic and humorous story of the Kaats-kills, will be introduced for one week only, with Mr. William Wolff as the village vagabond Rip, one of the most striking and realistic characters he has ever undertaken. All who have read Irving's story will be eager to hear the opera. The cast will be the same as for the first production the past winter, including the winsome children, whose singing and acting are novel and pleasing.
EVERY student finds himself over-burdened with work near the close of the term. Much drudgery may be avoided by having theses, etc., type written by
MISSES SARGENT AND COX,61,2 7, 8 80 Equitable Building, Boston.
GERMAN.- A native teacher from a leading school gives thorough instruction in grammar, literature and conversation.
RICHARD WAGENKNECHT, 36 West Cedar St., Boston.61 4t
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