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The distinct advantage in having the vacation as late as that just over is that it gives men a week of complete rest from work at the time when such rest is most beneficial. The heat and humidity of the first spring days naturally have a depressing effect, and a man grows apathetic in his studies and listless in his exercise. Then it is that he most needs a week of rest, after which he will return with renewed energy and heart to his work. The period between the vacation and the final examinations being so short, the good effects of the vacation have not time to wear off, and consequently the student feels well and strong to meet his examinations. In the hot June days he generally needs health and strength to stand the test.

The lateness of the vacation may by heedlessness become a disadvantage. It should be clearly born in mind that but four weeks now remain before the final examinations, and that there are more outside distractions in these weeks than at any other time of the year. The temptation to cut lectures and generally abandon one's study for out door amusements is strong. If a man doesn't combat this influence the four weeks will seem like four days, and he will find himself wholly unprepared. He will be inclined to put the blame on the late vacation, but the fault will generally be his own.
