
Appleton Chapel.

Rev. E. Winchester Donald, D. D., of Boston, conducted the service in Appleton Chapel last evening. He spoke of the way into which we have fallen, of passing over what seem to us small sins, and quieting pricks of conscience by light excuses. This makes us indifferent to things, which although wicked, have become so common that they do not seem sins, and in the same way we become indifferent and excuse greater sins. Mr. Donald urged the necessity of starting the new term aright and looking into our lives and making ourselves attend more strictly to the small duties of our college life.

The choir rendered the following selections: "O Lord Our Governor," J. L. Hopkins; "Let Every Soul be Subject Unto the Highest Power," J. Stainer; "Shew Me Thy Ways, O Lord," J. Varten. Powers. Garfield Stone, of the choir, sang solos in the first two selections, and a tenor solo in the last was rendered by Mr. P. F. Webber, of the Temple Quartette of Boston.
