ONE of the most extraordinary successes of the Castle Square lyric stock company is achieved this week by a magnificent presentation of "Lucia di Lammermoor." Donizetti's work is given with attention to detail and a general excellence that has never been attained in this city before. The stage setting is exceedingly harmonious and beautiful, and the costumes of surprising excellence. The performance as a whole is far ahead of many other productions by more pretentious grand opera singers in the past. The laurels of the performance crown the new stars, Mlle. Fatmah Diard and Miss Nina Bertini Humphrys, who has come on from New York to join the company. Mlle. Diard was received with remarkable demonstrations of enthusiasm Monday night and is established a favorite already. Miss Humphrys is petite, demure and very charming. She is the product of the best foreign schools and has been the prima donna of the Tavary and Gustav Hinrichs opera companies.
TIME and the Hour, Saturday, April 4, Figure Studies at the Symphony by Mr. Pierre 1a Rose. 46-2t
BOSTON LATIN SCHOOL ASSOCIATION.- The annual dinner of the Association will be held at the Parker House, on Friday, April 10, at 6.30 p. m. Henry M. Rogers, Esq., will preside, and among others, Mayor Quincy will be present. All who have ever been connected with the school, whether members of the Association or not, are invited. Tickets, at $2.50 each, may be obtained of Thos. Tileston Baldwin, room 1038 Exchange Building, Boston.
PACH BROS. have about finished the senior class photographs and there is more time now to make the interior views that are wanted and no better souvenir of college life can be had than a picture of your room. 40 12t
DANCING CLASSES. Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class opens as follows: Cambridgeport, Odd Fellows Hall, Tuesdays, 8 p. m. Residence, corner Mass. Ave. and Inman st. Private lessons by appointment.
FURNISHED ROOMS to let to transients or permanent lodgers, with or without board. At 1684 Massachusetts avenue, in brick block next to Shepard street.
The Crawford Shoe leads in style and has a custom made look about it which other makers try to imitate without succeeding.
LAUNCH FOR SALE.- 35 foot, 10 horse, complete cabin finished handsomely, all conveniences, light draft, a bargain. Address C, CRIMSON office. 41 6t
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