

"Branglebrink" is Progressing Well and Rapidly.

For some time past the chorus and principals in "Branglebrink" have given most of their attention to the final act, so that the entire play is now well in hand. Complete rehearsals with the orchestra will be begun on Monday, and the first performance on Graduates' Night, Thursday, April 9, will find the whole cast in a state of thorough preparation. The club has been very fortunate this year in the selection of a trainer. Mr. James Gilbert has won the confidence and praise of all connected with the play, and his efforts are sure to be rewarded with success. The care which he is giving to the chorus, in particular, will result in several unusually effective opening and closing scenes in the three acts. The principals receive separate attention in the afternoons. Among them, A. H. Parker and H. Schurz are particularly good.

For the Boston performances on April 11, 13 and 14 the club has secured a long list of patronesses. The experiment of beginning the public performances with a Saturday afternoon matinee will this year be tried for the first time.

The scenery for "Branglebrink" has been designed by E. G. Knoblauch '96. Costumes will be furnished by Shirley Smith, and wigs by Charles Garey, both of Boston.
