To the Editors of the Crimson:
The success of the junior dinner has brought up the question of the advisability of the underclassmen taking up such an affair. In a reply to a communication urging the extension of this custom, you favored holding a sophomore dinner, but made objection to a similar meeting of the freshman class on the ground that the class was seldom sufficiently united to make the event a success. With its special organizations, in addition to its athletic teams, is not the freshman class, toward the close of the year, really more united than the sophomore class? In any case, would not a freshman dinner promote that very thing, the lack of which is urged as an objection-a closer union of the class? In the opinion of many the class dinner is one of the few means available at Harvard to make the class more of a unit; it is more profitable to that end than as a recognition that the body is organized. A Harvard class, as things now stand, resembles a herd pasturing at large. Many of us wish the class of '99 to do all that is possible this year to correct the evil of individualism. There are many men who believe that the class is sufflciently united to make a dinner a success and that it will be useful in further strengthening the class ties which we are inclined to ignore. For these reasons, it seems to me, the class of '99 ought to establish a precedent this year.
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