
Speical Notice.

LOST-MONEY.- A hard-working washerwoman lost, Thursday, April 16, a pocketbook containing between $15.00 and $16.00, on Kirkland street or North Ave., between the Gymnasium and Hastings Hall. Finder will do a merited kindness by returning same to CRIMSON office. Reward. tf

SEE Johnson's Society painting in Truth today. All stands and trains.

THIRD YEAR MEN.- Third year law men get the same reduction on photographs as in former years at Pach's. 59-6

STUDENTS can secure transient or permanent board and rooms for themselves, their relatives and friends visiting Cambridge at this time. Terms reasonable. At 1684 Massachusetts avenue, near Shepard street. Strictly first class.

57 tf


A LARGE parlor and 2 or 3 chambers to let with board, for family, or students, until after Class Day. Three minutes walk from College Yard. References exchanged. Address, C. L., CRIMSON office. 59 2t

FOR SALE.- The c. b. cutter designed by Edward Burgess and built by Lawley in 1890. Length over all, 40 feet; l. w. l., 29.10; beam, 11 ft.; draught, 5 ft.; lead keel of 5 1/2 tons; two suits of working sails and complete suit of light sails. The yacht is copper-fastened and centerboard sheathed with copper. Running rigging complete. Also an extra set of main halyards of steel wire with blocks for same. For further particulars address,

WM. E. WATERHOUSE, 54 Devonshire street, Boston.59-5tf

LOST.- Stylographic pen. Finder will please return to room 9, 28 Holyoke St.
