
Engineering Excursion.

The party for the engineering excursion during the recess will leave Boston on Tuesday, the 21st inst., instead of Monday, the 20th, as previously announced. They will proceed by the 9 a. m. train (B. and A. R. R.) to Worcester, Mass., where the two establishments of the Washburn and Moen Manufacturing Company will be inspected.

The same evening they will leave (4 p. m. or 6.15 p. m., N. Y., N. H. and H. R. R.) for Providence, R. I.

On Wednesday, the 22d inst., the Arminton and Sims Engine Works will be visited at 9 a. m., and the Rhode Island Locomotive Works at 1.30 p. m.

Thursday, the 23d inst., will be given up to inspecting the establishment of the Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Company in the morning, and the Corliss Engine Works in the afternoon. The party will return to Boston in the evening.


