

MERMAID CLUB.- At 8 o'clock tonight in 35 Hastings, Ford's, "The Broken Heart," and Massinger's "A New Way to Pay Old Debts," will be read and discussed. Members of English 14 are invited to attend.

P. W. LONG, Sec.THERE will be a meeting in 19 Little's this evening at 8, to take steps toward the formation of a Painting and Sketching Club. All men interested in such an organization are asked to be present.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 12 Saturday, in Lower Dane.

M. S. SAVAGE, Sec.THE following men must be examinaed by Dr. Sargent between 2 and 3.30 o'clock today:

Arnold, Hayes


Beale, Foster,

Bouve, Holt,

Chandler, Manning,

Clark, Martin,

Fitz, Morton,

Gregory, Scott,

Haskell, Slade.

Those not being examined will be ineligible to play in the game on Saturday.

R. H. STEVENSON, JR.CRICKET ELEVEN.- No practice today.

SOCIAL UNION.- Teachers will not be expected to meet their classes next week.

SAMOSET CLUB.- Meeting tonight in Holyoke House 13. It is hoped that every member will be present.

ALL men wishing to present articles for consideration for the May number of the Harvard Monthly will confer a favor by leaving their manuscripts with the secretary on or before May 1.

H. A. PHILLIPS, 28 Holyoke street.57-3t
